Minchinhampton Golf Club runs a very popular mixed section, playing 12 matches a year against other clubs in the South-West region. Matches are generally played on Sunday afternoons, and are followed by a sit-down meal. We always endeavour to find partners for single members who wish to participate. As a departure from other clubs, we do not pair the men with their respective ladies, enabling all players to be paired with somebody different each week, creating a much more jovial and sociable atmosphere.
Our Mixed season runs from early April through to late September, and we hold an end of season competition for all those who have represented the team throughout the season. Within the club we also run a mixed foursomes knockout throughout the course of the year, the Tim Trennear Trophy.
Those looking to play mixed golf within the club need only make themselves known to the organisers, who will be more than happy to welcome you to the team.